283. Conservative Leadership Canada | Dr. Leslyn Lewis by Leslyn Lewis, Dr Leslyn Lewis

283. Conservative Leadership Canada | Dr. Leslyn Lewis

from The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

by Leslyn Lewis, Dr Leslyn Lewis

Published: Mon Aug 29 2022

Show Notes

Dr. Leslyn Lewis is a Canadian Conservative member of Parliament, taking a stance within the party against her country's zero carbon goals. Today, she sits down with Dr Jordan B Peterson to discuss climate change, its importance as a movement on a global scale, and how in many ways it has devolved into environmental imperialism.

Dr. Leslyn Lewis is a Canadian Politician and Lawyer. After a successful law career based in Toronto, Canada; she burst onto the political scene in 2020finishing 3rd in the Conservative Leadership Race but winning the popular vote. A current candidate in the 2022Leadership race she has used her experience in International Law to stand against movements that threaten Canada's Sovereignty.

For Leslyn Lewis:

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