321. A Conversation So Intense It Might Transcend Time and Space | John Vervaeke by John Vervaeke

321. A Conversation So Intense It Might Transcend Time and Space | John Vervaeke

from The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

by John Vervaeke

Published: Mon Jan 09 2023

Show Notes

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Dr Jordan B Peterson and John Vervaeke discuss entropy reduction, incremental fact gathering, systems of complexity and the ultimate unity in the holy spirit.

John Vervaeke is an Associate Professor in Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Science at the University of Toronto. His work constructs a bridge between science and spirituality in order to understand the experience of meaningfulness and the cultivation of wisdom so as to afford awakening from the meaning crisis.

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- Links -

For John Vervaeke:

Episode One of After Socrates: https://youtu.be/bIJuIN6kUcU

Website: https://johnvervaeke.com/

- Chapters -

(0:00) Coming Up

(1:24) Intro

(5:00) Entropy reduction

(6:30) Friston, big picture cognitive science

(9:00) Surprise and micro narratives

()Domains of measurement

()The problem with pragmatism

()Incremental fact gathering

()Spiraling pathways

()Oneness, Piaget

()Graceful degradation

()Connectivity, network organization

()Genome aging and mutation

()Gist, mutual predictability

()Nihilism, false arguments

()Cartesian reality

()levels of abstraction, meta games

()Hierarchy of unity, internal dialogues

()When a system complexifies

()Overarching harmony,

()Zombie complex, nature and function

()The function of consciousness

()Insight, relevance realization

()Adverbial connections

()God, Hermes, the burning bush

()A multitude of goals

()Acts of integration, profound synthesis

()The ultimate unity as a spirit

()Pluripotential Chaos

()Pride and suffering

()Self deception, heuristics

()Cognitive evolution, static perfection

()Distributed insight, humility

()Zone of proximal development

()The ides of the culmination

()Generative being, logos

()After Socrates

()Conditions for relevancy

()Practices of socracy

()Profound emergence


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// BOOKS //

Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life

Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning

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