How Do You Create Your Own Success? EP 120 by John R. Miles

How Do You Create Your Own Success? EP 120

from Passion Struck with John R. Miles

by John R. Miles

Published: Fri Apr 01 2022

Show Notes

All around us, people talk about success all the time and the repercussions of what it is and how it is achieved weigh heavily in society today. These definitions are thrust on us by how others perceive our success and how we define it for ourselves. As I've discussed in previous episodes, many people define success in materialistic ways such as earning a degree, buying a house, a car, or a yacht. Others believe it is determined by their career, awards, accolades, and recognition. And some define success as getting married and having a family.

But have you ever thought that success is doing the things you love when you want to do them and with whom you want to do them with?

Famous author and leadership coach Miles Munroe once said, "True success is not a project but a journey." Munroe summarizes that success is not achieved by a single event but by a succession of steps and actions. The quote illustrates that we are never to conclude that a person is unsuccessful simply because of temporary situations that do not fit into the general definition of success.

In today's episode, I delve deep into the true meaning of success by examining the unique rags-to-riches success story of American businesswoman and Shark Tank celebrity investor Barbara Corcoran. Her example illustrates how you can achieve great things by defining success on your terms. We will also go into how you earn and measure true success.

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-- John R Miles is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of Passion Struck. This full-service media company helps people live intentionally by creating best-in-class educational and entertainment content. John is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, and author named to the ComputerWorld Top 100 IT Leaders.

John is the host of the Passion Struck Podcast, a show focused on exploring the mindset and philosophy of the world's highest achievers to learn their lessons to living intentionally. Passion Struck aspires to speak to the humanity of people in a way that makes them want to live better, be better and impact.

Stay tuned for John's latest project, his upcoming book, which will be published in summer 2022.Learn more about me: https://johnrmiles.com.

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