Maintaining Forward Momentum When All Odds Are Against You w/ John R. Miles EP 3 by John R. Miles

Maintaining Forward Momentum When All Odds Are Against You w/ John R. Miles EP 3

from Passion Struck with John R. Miles

by John R. Miles

Published: Fri Feb 19 2021

Show Notes

Ever wondered how you maintain your forward momentum in the face of extreme adversity? How can you keep anxiety and depression at bay even when all odds are stacked against you?

In today’s show, John shares his wisdom on confronting your reality, unlocking human potential, and a positive mindset.

Nearly 30 years back, John had the good fortune of meeting Admiral James Stockdale in his sophomore year at the Naval Academy. There was no better inspiration than Admiral Stockdale, who had been held a POW for a couple of years, was nearly beaten to death, and yet miraculously survived.

So, how did Admiral Stockdale survive the brutality of his captors? Despite everything, how did he manage to cling on to hope and positivity?

With the pandemic outbreak, many of us are experiencing pangs of anxiety and depression. While it is tempting to withdraw into a shell, John reminds us WHY you need to face your reality head-on in today's show.

You will learn how visualizing your future can help you refocus on what you need to do today to move towards your end goal.


What You Will Learn In This Show

  • Why being “indifferent” in the face of adversity is the biggest mistake that you can make
  • How to maintain hope and positivity even when the odds are stacked against you
  • Why you need to focus more on inputs rather than the outcome
  • And so much more…

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John's New eBook - The Passion Struck Framework https://passionstruck.com/coaching/