John Huhn, Compass Group Equity Partners | Unlocking Success: The Power of Persistence in PE by BluWave

John Huhn, Compass Group Equity Partners | Unlocking Success: The Power of Persistence in PE

from Private Equity Podcast: Karma School of Business

by BluWave

Published: Thu Jun 01 2023

Show Notes

A managing partner from Compass Group Equity Partners, John Huhn, joins the Karma School of Business Podcast to discuss:

1:04 - John's background and path to private equity

9:28 - The most important traits to look for when evaluating a potential investment

- What makes Compass unique and how they approach value creation

- Advice to successfully manage a rocky economic period

- Important aspects of the portco-PE firm relationship

- John's advice to his younger self

And much more.

To learn more about Compass Group, go to https://www.cgep.com/.

To learn more about BluWave, go to www.bluwave.net.